Articles by George Mount

Advancing into Analytics course wait list

August 26, 2021 | George Mount

Getting into analytics can be overwhelming: so many tools to learn and techniques to apply. Advancing into Analytics is a great start made even better with practice and supplemental knowledge. That’s where a class can come in handy, and I’m excited to share that I’m working on ...
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Your Python launch checklist

August 9, 2021 | George Mount

I have written about Python, the open source programming language, throughout the blog. However, I understand that my readers, traditionally Excel users, may not have Python installed on their machines or done much programming before. The purpose of this resource guide, then, is to serve as a “mission control” for ...
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Welcome to my data meme page

August 5, 2021 | George Mount

If you work with data, you need a good laugh every now and again. And nothing says “Internet break” like a good meme trawl. Now, I like a meme just like the next guy, but I have trouble thinking of my own. One (possible) exception is in the category of ...
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Take the Advancing into Analytics event survey

July 25, 2021 | George Mount

Have you attended a meetup or presentation related to my book Advancing into Analytics? Would you like to? I would love your feedback! Please let me know in the following form what you found most engaging and how your organization could benefit the most from the material. If you’d ...
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