Articles by George Mount

Python in Excel: How to run a Monte Carlo simulation

April 9, 2024 | George Mount

Monte Carlo simulations leverage probability and randomness to simulate processes multiple times, exploring a wide range of possible outcomes. This approach can illuminate the inherent uncertainty and variability in business processes and outcomes. Integrating Python’s capabilities for Monte Carlo simulations into Excel enables the modeling of complex scenarios, from ...
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How to create and modify Excel workbooks with openpyxl

March 26, 2024 | George Mount

Several packages facilitate working with Python and Excel, but openpyxl stands out as an excellent choice due to its comprehensive features for reading and writing workbooks. In this blog post, we will explore how to get started with creating Excel workbooks from scratch and modifying existing ones using openpyxl. For ...
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Copilot for Excel: How to work with Python code

March 25, 2024 | George Mount

One of the key insights Excel users should appreciate about Copilot is its vital role in keeping Excel current in the AI era. It achieves this by innovatively integrating multiple intelligence sources, expanding Excel’s functions beyond traditional spreadsheets. Today’s era is characterized by growing system interoperability. In particular, ...
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Python in Excel: How to create moving averages

March 18, 2024 | George Mount

For those interested in learning Python for Excel, a key area to explore is time series analysis. In particular, Python’s Pandas package is specifically designed to handle time series data effectively, often much better than Excel. In this post, we’re going to look at a common task with ...
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How to get the most of Python in Excel with the Anaconda Toolbox

November 30, 2023 | George Mount

The recent incorporation of Python into Excel marks a substantial leap in data analytics, combining Python’s powerful features with the accessible Excel workbook interface. Employing Python directly within Excel’s formula bar is noteworthy, yet add-ins further enrich this capability. This enhancement is particularly important considering that Python programming ...
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How to resize Python plots in Excel

November 30, 2023 | George Mount

I’m not sure about your experience, but personally find Excel’s charting features antiquated at times. They can be quite finicky to use, particularly when it comes to customization. Iterating between various plots and executing tasks like combining different plot types or coloring by group proves to be challenging. ...
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