Articles by jmount

Including ggplot2 Plots in Python Notebooks

September 25, 2023 | jmount

For an article on A/B testing that I am preparing, I asked my partner Dr. Nina Zumel if she could do me a favor and write some code to produce the diagrams. She prepared an excellent parameterized diagram generator. However being the author of the book Practical Data Science ...
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Plotting Multiple Curves in Python

February 20, 2021 | jmount

I have up what I think is a really neat tutorial on how to plot multiple curves on a graph in Python, using seaborn and data_algebra. It is great way to show some data shaping theory convenience functions we have developed. Please check it out.
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Plotting Multiple Curves in Python

February 20, 2021 | jmount

I have up what I think is a really neat tutorial on how to plot multiple curves on a graph in Python, using seaborn and data_algebra. It is great way to show some data shaping theory convenience functions we have developed. Please check it out.
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