Articles by Paul van der Laken

100 Python pandas tips and tricks

June 30, 2020 | Paul van der Laken

Working with Python’s pandas library often? This resource will be worth its length in gold! Kevin Markham shares his tips and tricks for the most common data handling tasks on twitter. He compiled the top 100 in this one amazing overview page. Find the hyperlinks to specific sections below! Quicklinks ...
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How to Write a Git Commit Message, in 7 Steps

May 11, 2020 | Paul van der Laken

Version control is an essential tool for any software developer. Hence, any respectable data scientist has to make sure his/her analysis programs and machine learning pipelines are reproducible and maintainable through version control. Often, we use git for version control. If you don’t know what git is yet, ... [...Read more...]

PyBoy: A Python GameBoy Emulator

April 28, 2020 | Paul van der Laken

If you are looking for a project to build a bot or AI application, look no further. Enter the stage, PyBoy, a Nintendo Game Boy (DMG-01 [1989]) written in Python 2.7. The implementation runs in almost pure Python, but with dependencies for drawing graphics and getting user interactions through SDL2 and NumPy. ... [...Read more...]

Free Springer Books during COVID19

April 24, 2020 | Paul van der Laken

Book publisher Springer just released over 400 book titles that can be downloaded free of charge following the corona-virus outbreak. Here’s fhe full overview: Most of these books will normally set you back about $50 ...
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