Articles by OSM

Day 30: Summing up

December 12, 2024 | OSM

On Day 29, we conducted our out-of-sample test on the four strategies and found that the adjusted strategy came out on top. We made this conclusion after ranking a cross section of the following metrics: cumulative return, Sharpe Ratio, and max draw...
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Day 29: Out of sample

December 6, 2024 | OSM

The moment of truth has arrived! On Day 28, we iterated through all the metrics we had previously used to identify and analyze the robustness of our strategy. We found the new adjusted strategy performed better than the original and adjusted strateg...
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Day 28: Reveal

December 4, 2024 | OSM

On Day 27, we had our strategy enhancement reveal. By modifying the arithmetic behind our error correction, we chiseled another 16% points of outperformance vs. buy-and-hold and the original 12-by-12 strategy. All that remains now is to run the pred...
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Day 27: Enhancement

December 3, 2024 | OSM

On Day 26, we extended the comparative error analysis to the original, 12-by-12 strategy and showed how results were similar to the unadjusted strategy relative to the adjusted one. The main observation that emerged was that the adjusted strategy pe...
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Day 26: Adjusted vs. Original

December 2, 2024 | OSM

The last five days! On Day 25, we compared the peformance of the adjusted vs. unadjusted strategy for different prediction scenarios: true and false positives and negatives. For true positives and false negatives, the adjusted strategy performed bet...
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Day 25: Positives and Negatives

November 26, 2024 | OSM

On Day 24, we explained in detail how the error correction term led to somewhat unexpected outperformance relative to the original and unadjusted strategies. The reason? We hypothesized that it was due to the the error term adjusting the prediction ...
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Day 24: Lucky Logic

November 25, 2024 | OSM

On Day 23 we dove into the deep end to understand why the error correction we used worked as well as it did. We showed how traditional machine learning uses loss functions and then hypothesized how our use helped improve predictions through its effe...
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Day 23: Logic or Luck

November 21, 2024 | OSM

On Day 22 we saw a meaningful improvement in our strategy by waiting an additional week to quantify model error and then using that error term to adjust the prediction on the most recently completed week of data. What was even more dramatic was comp...
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Day 22: Error Correction

November 19, 2024 | OSM

On Day 21, we wrung our hands with frustration over how to proceed. The results of our circular block sampling suggested we shouldn’t expect a whole lot of outperformance in our 12-by-12 model out-of-sample. To deal with this our choices were, back ...
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Day 21: Drawing Board

November 18, 2024 | OSM

On Day 20 we completed our analysis of the 12-by-12 strategy using circular block sampling on the 3 and 7 blocks. We found the strategy did not outperform buy-and-hold on average and its frequency of outperformance was modest – in the 28-31% range –...
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