Data science

Step-by-Step: Building a Winning Python Selenium Resume

November 10, 2024 | Andrea Rekasi

Companies just need more Python Selenium automation experts as they expand their testing capabilities. A well-laid-out Python Selenium resume opens doors to promising career opportunities in test automation. Job seekers who showcase their expertise in Python programming, Selenium WebDriver, and test automation frameworks excel among competitors in the ever-changing field ...
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How to Expand Icon React Native: A Step-by-Step Guide

November 8, 2024 | Andrea Rekasi

Mobile apps just need to use screen space well and keep users involved. Developers often struggle to show more information without making the interface messy. React Native’s expandable icon components offer a great solution. These components help apps present content in a clean way that lets users access extra ...
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Day 16: Comps

November 8, 2024 | OSM

On Day 15 we adjusted our model to use more recent data to forecast the 12-week look forward return. As before, we used that forecast to generate a trading signal that tells us to go long the SPY if the forecast is positive, and exit (or short for t...
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Day 15: Backtest II

November 7, 2024 | OSM

On Day 14 we showed how the trading model we built was snooping and provided one way to correct it. Essentially, we ensure the time in which we actually have the target variable data aligns with when the trading signals are produced. We then used th...
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How to conditionally format a scatterplot in Excel

November 6, 2024 | George Mount

A scatterplot is a chart that displays the relationship between two variables by plotting data points along the X and Y axes, with each point representing a unique pair of values. By conditionally formatting points based on their category, we can reveal patterns, clusters, or outliers, making it easier to ...
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How to Implement KNN with RBF Metric in Machine Learning

November 6, 2024 | Andrea Rekasi

K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm doesn’t deal very well with high-dimensional data and complex decision boundaries. Data points’ meaningful relationships often escape traditional distance metrics, which results in suboptimal classification. KNN with RBF metric solves these limitations by changing the feature space into a better format for similarity calculations. Our readers ...
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Day 14: Snooping

November 6, 2024 | OSM

Guess what? The model we built in our last post actually suffers from snooping. We did this deliberately to show how easy it is to get mixed up when translating forecasting models into trading signals. Let’s explain. Our momentum model uses a 12-wee...
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