AdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing)May 29, 2020 | T. MoudikiAdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing) [...Read more...]
Documentation+Pypi for the `teller`, a model-agnostic tool for Machine Learning explainabilityMay 1, 2020 | T. MoudikiDocumentation+Pypi for the `teller`, a model-agnostic tool for Machine Learning explainability [...Read more...]
Encoding your categorical variables based on the response variable and correlationsApril 24, 2020 | T. Moudiki A target-based categorical encoder for Statistical/Machine Learning (based on correlations) [...Read more...]
Documentation for the querier, a query language for Data FramesApril 3, 2020 | T. MoudikiDocumentation for the querier, a query language for Data Frames [...Read more...]
Import data into the querier (now on Pypi), a query language for Data FramesMarch 13, 2020 | T. MoudikiImport data into the querier, a query language for Data Frames [...Read more...]
Version 0.4.0 of nnetsauce, with fruits and breast cancer classificationFebruary 28, 2020 | T. MoudikiVersion 0.4.0 of nnetsauce, with fruits and breast cancer classification [...Read more...]
A new version of nnetsauce (v0.3.1)January 24, 2020 | T. MoudikiA new version of nnetsauce on Github and Pypi (v0.3.1) [...Read more...]
Using R in Python for statistical learning/data scienceOctober 11, 2019 | T. Moudikirpy2 for using R in Python [...Read more...]