

This article was first published on Technical Posts Archives - The Data Scientist , and kindly contributed to python-bloggers. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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In this article we look at how to use the MySQL EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE commands to optimise your queries. 

We review the syntax these commands use, interpreting their output and how tools like MySQL Workbench and dbForge Studio for MySQL be used in conjunction with them. 

To do this we’ll work through some very simple examples using the Sakila sample database so that you can see these commands in use.

Understanding EXPLAIN in MySQL


The EXPLAIN command is a key tool for MySQL query optimisation. It provides a detailed analysis of how a query will be executed step-by-step.  

This makes it easy to spot where large amounts of unnecessary resources (for example, full table scans) are being used showing you where you need to edit your query or set up. 

Let’s look at a simple example:

EXPLAIN SELECT f.title, r.rental_date, c.first_name, c.last_name
JOIN sakila.inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
JOIN sakila.rental r ON i.inventory_id = r.inventory_id
JOIN sakila.customer c ON r.customer_id = c.customer_id
WHERE f.rating = ‘PG’ AND r.return_date IS NULL;

Here is the output:

Components of EXPLAIN Output

The output of the EXPLAIN command is a table which gives details of the query execution plan. 

Understanding this takes the guess work out of optimisation making it far faster. 


EXPLAIN ANALYZE was introduced in Q4 2019 as an improvement to EXPLAIN. It gives more actionable information by providing actual (as opposed to theoretical) performance metrics. 

EXPLAIN ANALYZE actually executes the query and provides the real execution plan and detailed statistics. 


EXPLAIN ANALYZE offers a number of benefits:


Basic Syntax and Usage

You use EXPLAIN ANALYZE in exactly the same way as you use EXPLAIN. You simply add it before your query, as shown below. 

Let’s execute it using the same query as we did previously. 

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT f.title, r.rental_date, c.first_name, c.last_name
JOIN sakila.inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
JOIN sakila.rental r ON i.inventory_id = r.inventory_id
JOIN sakila.customer c ON r.customer_id = c.customer_id
WHERE f.rating = ‘PG’ AND r.return_date IS NULL;

Here is the output:

Interpreting The EXPLAIN ANALYZE Output

Let’s look at the output in detail. 

  1. Nested loop inner join:
    • cost: This gives the estimated cost to execute this part of the query. Cost is an arbitrary metric and as you would expect a lower cost indicates a more efficient plan.
    • rows: The estimated number of rows that will be involved in this step.


The EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE commands provide different insights.

Execution Plan Estimated plan based on statistics Actual plan with real-time performance data
Execution Time Estimated cost Actual time taken for each query step
Row Counts Estimated rows to be processed Actual rows processed
Performance Bottlenecks Identifies potential issues Identifies actual bottlenecks
Data Accuracy Based on internal optimiser statistics Based on actual execution results
Usage Initial query analysis and planning Detailed optimisation and performance tuning
Loops Not provided Number of loops executed for each step

In the next section, we explore two tools that can help when working with EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

Tools and Resources

There are a variety of tools that provide graphical interfaces to help you visualise query execution.  

In this section we look at two of the more popular tools – dbForge Studio for MySQL and MySQL workbench.

dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio is an environment for MySQL database development and administration. It allows you to runn and visualise EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE outputs so that you can tune the performance of your queries.

Let’s look at an example using dbForge Studio to optimise our simple query. 

We will continue to use the Sakila database example.

  1. Open dbForge Studio and connect to your database (Sakila database in this example)
  1. In the SQL editor, click “Query Profiling Mode” from the toolbar (highlighted in yellow below) and execute the query. 

This gives you the execution time as a value and a percentage for each of the steps in your query. 

Click “Plan” to see the result for your query.

EXPLAIN results in dbForge

The output details the various components like the table name, type of join, possible keys, key used, key length, reference columns, number of rows examined, and additional information.

  1. As before, based on the EXPLAIN output you can easily identify areas for further optimisation. For example, where the output shows it is using a full table scan (type: ALL), you should think about adding an index to improve performance.

    In the above query, you can add an index to the rating column in the film table.

CREATE INDEX idx_film_rating ON (rating);

Now, if you run the SELECT query in Query Profiler Mode, you will see a reduction in the query execution time, as below:

In the same way, you can execute EXPLAIN ANALYZE to see various query statistics.

The detailed metrics come into their own when working with more complex execution plans. 

Another useful feature of dbForge Studio is that it can compare multiple query execution plans with a single click. 

To do this you go to the “Query Profiling Mode” and click the right-most button in the bottom tool bar. See the yellow highlight in the screenshot below. 

From the dropdown menu you can select the number of last results that you want to compare. I have chosen the last two queries below to keep things simple. 

Now we will run the two queries below. 

Both fetch the same result, but the second query uses common table expressions. 


EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT f.title, r.rental_date, c.first_name, c.last_name FROM fJOIN sakila.inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_idJOIN sakila.rental r ON i.inventory_id = r.inventory_idJOIN sakila.customer c ON r.customer_id = c.customer_idWHERE f.rating = ‘PG’ AND r.return_date IS NULL;


WITH FilmInventory AS (    SELECT f.title, i.inventory_id    FROM f    JOIN sakila.inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id    WHERE f.rating = ‘PG’),RentalDetails AS (    SELECT fi.title, r.rental_date, r.customer_id    FROM FilmInventory fi    JOIN sakila.rental r ON fi.inventory_id = r.inventory_id    WHERE r.return_date IS NULL)SELECT rd.title, rd.rental_date, c.first_name, c.last_nameFROM RentalDetails rdJOIN sakila.customer c ON rd.customer_id = c.customer_id;

The output is below. It gives you a comparison of the execution duration and percentages for each step between the two queries. 

It shows that the query that uses the common table expressions (on the left below) is slightly slower than the first query. 

This handy feature isn’t available in MySQL workbench, which we will now look at. 

MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is another tool widely used by database architects and administrators. Again, it offers data modeling, and a full suite of admin tools. 

Let’s look at how to use it to optimise the same query.

  1. Open MySQL Workbench and connect it to your database (Sakila database again)
  2. In the query editor, enter your query and click the ‘Execute The Explain Command’ button that you can find in the toolbar.

    The output shows the results of the EXPLAIN command in both Tabular and Visual form. 

The following figure shows the result in Tabular form. 

The figure below shows the result in Visual format. 

Again, both make it easy to find the most resource intensive parts of your query. 

Similarly, you can run EXPLAIN ANALYZE in MySQL Workbench if you need more detailed insights. 


Optimising queries is part of most professional database roles.

This makes EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE tools that are used day in and day out. 

Having read this article you should now understand how to use these commands and also how to use them in dbForge and MySQLWorkbench.

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