February 2020

Building a realistic Reddit AI that get upvoted in Python

February 10, 2020 | Paul van der Laken

Sometimes I find these AI / programming hobby projects that I just wished I had thought of… Will Stedden combined OpenAI’s GPT-2 deep learning text generation model with another deep-learning language model by Google called BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and created an elaborate architecture that had one purpose: ...
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Learn Julia for Data Science

February 10, 2020 | Paul van der Laken

Most data scientists favor Python as a programming language these days. However, there’s also still a large group of data scientists coming from a statistics, econometrics, or social science and therefore favoring R, the programming language they learned in university. Now there’s a new kid on the block: ...
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SHARPEn your portfolio

February 7, 2020 | OSM

In our last post, we started building the intuition around constructing a reasonable portfolio to achieve an acceptable return. The hero of our story had built up a small nest egg and then decided to invest it equally across the three major asset classes: stocks, bonds, and real assets. For ...
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SHARPEn your portfolio

February 7, 2020 | OSM

In our last post, we started building the intuition around constructing a reasonable portfolio to achieve an acceptable return. The hero of our story had built up a small nest egg and then decided to invest it equally across the three major asset classes: stocks, bonds, and real assets. For ...
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