It is impossible to become a data scientist without programming. However, you don’t have to be a data scientist to use data science! The market around data science, machine learning and analytics has matured enough to the point where there are many products out there to run data science ... [...Read more...]
Mining opinions on the web Sentiment analysis is one of the most successful and widespread applications in natural language processing. However, for all the hype it has generated since its inception, there are still many issues associated with it. In my work with Brandtix and other startups I had the ...
Every year I am teaching social media analytics at the Cyprus International Institute of Management. The course includes topics such as natural language processing, and how to extract insights from social media. Last year I was lucky to have Valerios Paris Mitsakis in my classroom, who did a very impressive ... [...Read more...]
This post is coming from Yasmin Chamchoun. A career in data science is becoming highly sought after. With more and more people entering the field, what is that makes ‘data scientist’ such an appealing profession nowadays? Undoubtedly, the field can be very rewarding both financially and through the practical application ... [...Read more...]