Porting a Shiny App to Observable Framework: Part 2
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This post, Part 2 in a series of two, looks at styling and deploying the Observable Framework app we built in Part 1. Codeblocks with burgundy backgrounds refer to specifc tagged commits in the accompanying GitHub repositiory.
Styling the App with CSS
We can add a stylesheet by referencing it through the “style” property in the configuration file: observable.config.js. That config file can be used to define various attributes for our project, including what title and favicon should be displayed in the browser tab, where the root of the source code is (root: "src"
) and where, relative to that root, the stylesheet is stored (style: "style/style.css"
You can go crazy here with your CSS or keep it simple. Since this is just meant as a quick demonstration we’ll do the latter: we’ll tweak the appearance of controls, add Jumping Rivers fonts and colours and rearrange the layout for wider screens:
@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Outfit:[email protected]&display=swap"); body { font-family: "Outfit", sans-serif; position: relative; color: #0c293d; background-color: #fcfbfa; } main { display: grid; justify-content: center; align-items: center; column-gap: 3em; grid-template-columns: 350px 500px; grid-template-areas: "title title" "controls chart" "controls count"; } main > h1 { font-weight: 600; grid-area: title; text-align: center; } main > div { display: none; } main > div:has(form) { display: unset; grid-area: controls; padding-top: 1em; } main > div:has(figure) { display: flex; justify-content: center; grid-area: chart; } main > p { grid-area: count; text-align: center; } input[type="number"] { text-align: right; } main form[class^="inputs"]:has(input[type="number"]) { display: inline-flex; flex-direction: column; width: calc(50% - 1em); margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; } main form[class^="inputs"]:has(input[type="number"]) label { width: 100%; } main form[class^="inputs"]:has(select, input[type="range"], input[type="text"], input[type="radio"]) { display: flex; width: 100%; flex-direction: column; margin-bottom: 0.5em; } main form[class^="inputs"]:has(select, input[type="range"], input[type="text"], input[type="radio"]) > * { width: 100%; } [aria-label="tip"] { fill-opacity: 0.8; } [aria-label="tip"] text tspan:first-child { font-weight: bold; } @media (max-width: 950px) { main { padding: 0 1em; grid-template-columns: unset; grid-template-areas: "title" "controls" "chart" "count"; } }

To keep things succinct, our stylesheet makes use of the relatively new (Firefox was the last major browser to support this in late 2023) CSS :has
pseudoclass. If you need to support older browsers you’d have to find another way of doing things. Using :has
allows us, for example, to target elements with specific descendants without relying too much on the generated classes remaining unchanged and without manually adding explicit ids or classes to those target elements.
git switch --detach styles
Tidying Up
All that’s left now to “complete” our app is to tidy up a few loose ends, removing some comments and files that are no longer helpful. This amounts to:
- Updating the README
- Updating and pruning the observablehq.config.js configuration file
- Deleting a JavaScript file we don’t use
- Removing an irrelevant image file
git switch --detach tidy
You can build a static version of the app using:
npm run build
This is only static in the sense that the output files can be served by essentially any old server; there’s no need to have a server that can process the R scripts or (Python or rust etc) or build HTML from markdown. You won’t get the hot reloading that you get with npm run dev
as you make changes but the output – that by default gets dumped in a dist/ directory – can be deployed almost anywhere. That includes on Observable cloud, which is super-easy to do. Run
npm run deploy
You’ll be asked to sign in if you haven’t already: you can use your GitHub credentials for this, if you like. After that you’ll get a few simple questions to answer about naming, visibility and the like and then – within a minute or so – it’s done, with a link to the deployed app printed to the terminal. View our app. The Observable website has further instructions if you want to go down the route of automated deploys and/or GitHub actions.
git switch --detach deploy
Final Thoughts
This was a fun thing to try and didn’t take especially long to implement. The way you can add scripts for data generation and things “just work” is really neat. Having the whole of d3 and Observable Plot available without having to do explicit installs and imports is also helpful. Because of these things, setup of a new project can be really quick. Deployment to Observable cloud is also super speedy and other deployment targets shouldn’t be difficult, either.
On the negative side I’m not convinced by the use of markdown files for generating dashboards. For anything complex, HTML (or a framework that uses HTML-based template syntax like Vue or Svelte) just seems more logical to me. I also haven’t yet been converted over to the notebook style of development with fenced JavaScript blocks.
In short, the speed at which a new project can be set up can make Observable Framework a good solution for prototyping dashboards and interactive websites. Simple deployment options makes it easy to share such prototypes with other stakeholders. For production applications I’m not sure what Observable Framework offers that can’t be built in a more maintainable way with popular, “traditional”, JavaScript frameworks. These can still use Observable Plot, which I do think works nicely and will definitely be using again: you just have to explicitly add it to the project and import
it where needed.
For updates and revisions to this article, see the original post
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