How to Implement a Gradient Boosting Machine that Works with Any Loss Function
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Friends, this is going to be an epic post! Today, we bring together all the ideas we’ve built up over the past few posts to nail down our understanding of the key ideas in Jerome Friedman’s seminal 2001 paper: “Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine.” In particular, we’ll summarize the highlights from the paper, and we’ll build an in-house python implementation of his generic gradient boosting algorithm which can train with any differentiable loss function. What’s more, we’ll go ahead and take our generic gradient boosting machine for a spin by training it with several of the most popular loss functions used in practice.
Are you freaking stoked or what?
Sweet. Let’s do this.
Friedman 2001: TL;DR
I’ve mentioned this paper a couple of times before, but as far as I can tell, this is the origin of gradient boosting; it is therefore, a seminal work worth reading. You know what, I think you might like to pick up the paper and read it yourself. Like many papers, there is a lot of scary looking math in the first few pages, but if you’ve been following along on this blog, you’ll find that it’s actually totally approachable. This is the kind of thing that cures imposter syndrome, so give it a shot. That said, here’s the TL;DR as I see it.
The first part of the paper introduces the idea of fitting models by doing gradient descent in function space, an ingenious idea we spent an entire post demystifying earlier. Friedman goes on to introduce the generic gradient boost algorithm, which works with any differentiable loss function, as well as specific variants for minimizing absolute error, Huber loss, and binary deviance. In terms of hyperparameters, he points out that the learning rate can be used to reduce overfitting, while increased tree depth can help capture more complex interactions among features. He even discusses feature importance and partial dependence methods for interpreting fitted gradient boosting models.
Friedman concludes by musing about the advantages of gradient boosting with trees. He notes some key advantages afforded by the use of decision trees including no need to rescale input data, robustness against irrelevant input features, and elegant handling of missing feature values. He points out that gradient boosting manages to capitalize on the benefits of decision trees while minimizing their key weakness (crappy accuracy). I think this offers a great insight into why gradient boosting models have become so widespread and successful in practical ML applications.
Friedman’s Generic Gradient Boosting Algorithm
Let’s take a closer look at Friedman’s original gradient boost algorithm, Alg. 1 in Section 3 of the paper (translated into the notation we’ve been using so far).
Like last time, we have training data where
is a length-
vector of target values, and
is an
matrix with
observations of
features. We also have a differentiable loss function
, a “learning rate” hyperparameter
, and a fixed number of model iterations
Algorithm: gradient_boost returns: model
Let base model
, where
Let “pseudo-residual” vector
Train decision tree regressor
to predict
(minimizing squared error)
terminal leaf node:
Set terminal leaf node
to predict value
Return composite model
By now, most of this is already familiar to us. We begin by setting the base model equal to the constant prediction value that minimizes the loss over all examples in the training dataset (line 1). Then we begin the boosting iterations (line 2), each time computing the negative gradients of the loss with respect to the current model predictions (known as the pseudo residuals) (line 3). We then fit our next decision tree regressor to predict the pseudo residuals (line 4).
Then we encounter something new on lines 5-7. When we fit a vanilla decision tree regressor to predict pseudo residuals, we’re using mean squared error as the loss function to train the tree. As you might imagine, this works well when the global loss function is also squared error. But if we want to use a global loss other than squared error, there is an additional trick we can use to further increase the composite model’s accuracy. The idea is to continue using squared error to train each decision tree, keeping its structure and split conditions but altering the predicted value in each leaf to help minimize the global loss function. Instead of using the mean target value as the prediction for each node (as we would do when minimizing squared error), we use a numerical optimization method like line search to choose the constant value for that leaf that leads to the best overall loss. This is the same thing we did in line 1 of the algorithm to set the base prediction, but here we choose the optimal prediction for each terminal node of the newly trained decision tree.
I did some (half-assed) searching on the interweb for an implementation of GBM that allows the user to provide a custom loss function, and you know what? I couldn’t find anything. If you find another implementation, post in the comments so we can learn from it too.
Since we need to modify the values predicted by our decision trees’ terminal nodes, we’ll want to brush up on the scikit-learn decision tree structure before we get going. You can see explanations of all the necessary decision tree hacks in this notebook.
import numpy as np from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from scipy.optimize import minimize class GradientBoostingMachine(): '''Gradient Boosting Machine supporting any user-supplied loss function. Parameters ---------- n_trees : int number of boosting rounds learning_rate : float learning rate hyperparameter max_depth : int maximum tree depth ''' def __init__(self, n_trees, learning_rate=0.1, max_depth=1): self.n_trees=n_trees; self.learning_rate=learning_rate self.max_depth=max_depth; def fit(self, X, y, objective): '''Fit the GBM using the specified loss function. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray of size (number observations, number features) design matrix y : ndarray of size (number observations,) target values objective : loss function class instance Class specifying the loss function for training. Should implement two methods: loss(labels: ndarray, predictions: ndarray) -> float negative_gradient(labels: ndarray, predictions: ndarray) -> ndarray ''' self.trees = [] self.base_prediction = self._get_optimal_base_value(y, objective.loss) current_predictions = self.base_prediction * np.ones(shape=y.shape) for _ in range(self.n_trees): pseudo_residuals = objective.negative_gradient(y, current_predictions) tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=self.max_depth), pseudo_residuals) self._update_terminal_nodes(tree, X, y, current_predictions, objective.loss) current_predictions += self.learning_rate * tree.predict(X) self.trees.append(tree) def _get_optimal_base_value(self, y, loss): '''Find the optimal initial prediction for the base model.''' fun = lambda c: loss(y, c) c0 = y.mean() return minimize(fun=fun, x0=c0).x[0] def _update_terminal_nodes(self, tree, X, y, current_predictions, loss): '''Update the tree's predictions according to the loss function.''' # terminal node id's leaf_nodes = np.nonzero(tree.tree_.children_left == -1)[0] # compute leaf for each sample in ``X``. leaf_node_for_each_sample = tree.apply(X) for leaf in leaf_nodes: samples_in_this_leaf = np.where(leaf_node_for_each_sample == leaf)[0] y_in_leaf = y.take(samples_in_this_leaf, axis=0) preds_in_leaf = current_predictions.take(samples_in_this_leaf, axis=0) val = self._get_optimal_leaf_value(y_in_leaf, preds_in_leaf, loss) tree.tree_.value[leaf, 0, 0] = val def _get_optimal_leaf_value(self, y, current_predictions, loss): '''Find the optimal prediction value for a given leaf.''' fun = lambda c: loss(y, current_predictions + c) c0 = y.mean() return minimize(fun=fun, x0=c0).x[0] def predict(self, X): '''Generate predictions for the given input data.''' return (self.base_prediction + self.learning_rate * np.sum([tree.predict(X) for tree in self.trees], axis=0))
In terms of design, we implement a class for the GBM with scikit-like fit
and predict
methods. Notice in the below implementation that the fit
method is only 10 lines long, and corresponds very closely to Friedman’s gradient boost algorithm from above. Most of the complexity comes from the helper methods for updating the leaf values according to the specified loss function.
When the user wants to call the fit
method, they’ll need to supply the loss function they want to use for boosting. We’ll make the user implement their loss (a.k.a. objective) function as a class with two methods: (1) a loss
method taking the labels and the predictions and returning the loss score and (2) a negative_gradient
method taking the labels and the predictions and returning an array of negative gradients.
Testing our Model
Let’s test drive our custom-loss-ready GBM with a few different loss functions! We’ll compare it to the scikit-learn GBM to sanity check our implementation.
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor, GradientBoostingClassifier rng = np.random.default_rng() # test data def make_test_data(n, noise_scale): x = np.linspace(0, 10, 500).reshape(-1,1) y = (np.where(x < 5, x, 5) + rng.normal(0, noise_scale, size=x.shape)).ravel() return x, y # print model loss scores def print_model_loss_scores(obj, y, preds, sk_preds): print(f'From Scratch Loss = {obj.loss(y, pred):0.4}') print(f'Scikit-Learn Loss = {obj.loss(y, sk_pred):0.4}')
Mean Squared Error
Mean Squared Error (a.k.a. Least Squares) loss produces estimates of the mean target value conditioned on the feature values. Here’s the implementation.
x, y = make_test_data(500, 0.4)
# from scratch GBM class SquaredErrorLoss(): '''User-Defined Squared Error Loss''' def loss(self, y, preds): return np.mean((y - preds)**2) def negative_gradient(self, y, preds): return y - preds gbm = GradientBoostingMachine(n_trees=10, learning_rate=0.5, max_depth=1), y, SquaredErrorLoss()) pred = gbm.predict(x)
# scikit-learn GBM sk_gbm = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10, learning_rate=0.5, max_depth=1, loss='squared_error'), y) sk_pred = sk_gbm.predict(x)
print_model_loss_scores(SquaredErrorLoss(), y, pred, sk_pred)
From Scratch Loss = 0.168 Scikit-Learn Loss = 0.168
Mean Absolute Error
Mean Absolute Error (a.k.a.Least Absolute Deviations) loss produces estimates of the median target value conditioned on the feature values. Here’s the implementation.
x, y = make_test_data(500, 0.4)
# from scratch GBM class AbsoluteErrorLoss(): '''User-Defined Absolute Error Loss''' def loss(self, y, preds): return np.mean(np.abs(y - preds)) def negative_gradient(self, y, preds): return np.sign(y - preds) gbm = GradientBoostingMachine(n_trees=10, learning_rate=0.5, max_depth=1), y, AbsoluteErrorLoss()) pred = gbm.predict(x)
# scikit-learn GBM sk_gbm = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10, learning_rate=0.5, max_depth=1, loss='absolute_error'), y) sk_pred = sk_gbm.predict(x)
print_model_loss_scores(AbsoluteErrorLoss(), y, pred, sk_pred)
From Scratch Loss = 0.3225 Scikit-Learn Loss = 0.3208
Quantile Loss
Quantile loss yields estimates of a given quantile of the target variable conditioned on the features. Here’s my implementation.
x, y = make_test_data(500, 1)
# from scratch GBM class QuantileLoss(): '''Quantile Loss Parameters ---------- alpha : float quantile to be estimated, 0 < alpha < 1 ''' def __init__(self, alpha): if alpha < 0 or alpha >1: raise ValueError('alpha must be between 0 and 1') self.alpha = alpha def loss(self, y, preds): e = y - preds return np.mean(np.where(e > 0, self.alpha * e, (self.alpha - 1) * e)) def negative_gradient(self, y, preds): e = y - preds return np.where(e > 0, self.alpha, self.alpha - 1) gbm = GradientBoostingMachine(n_trees=10, learning_rate=0.5, max_depth=1), y, QuantileLoss(alpha=0.9)) pred = gbm.predict(x)
# scikit-learn GBM sk_gbm = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10, learning_rate=0.5, max_depth=1, loss='quantile', alpha=0.9), y) sk_pred = sk_gbm.predict(x)
print_model_loss_scores(QuantileLoss(alpha=0.9), y, pred, sk_pred)
From Scratch Loss = 0.1853 Scikit-Learn Loss = 0.1856
Binary Cross Entropy Loss
The previous losses are useful for regression problems, where the target is numeric. But we can also solve classification problems, simply by swapping in an appropriate loss function. Here we’ll implement binary cross entropy, a.k.a. binary deviance, a.k.a. negative binomial log likelihood (sometimes abusively called log loss). One thing to remember is that, as with logistic regression, our model is actually predicting the log odds ratio, not the probability of the positive class. Thus we use expit transformations (the inverse of logit) whenever probabilities are needed, e.g., when predicting the probability that an observation belongs to the positive class.
# make categorical test data def expit(t): return np.exp(t) / (1 + np.exp(t)) x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 500) p = expit(x) y = rng.binomial(1, p, size=p.shape) x = x.reshape(-1,1)
# from scratch GBM class BinaryCrossEntropyLoss(): '''Binary Cross Entropy Loss Note that the predictions should be log odds ratios. ''' def __init__(self): self.expit = lambda t: np.exp(t) / (1 + np.exp(t)) def loss(self, y, preds): p = self.expit(preds) return -np.mean(y * np.log(p) + (1 - y) * np.log(1 - p)) def negative_gradient(self, y, preds): p = self.expit(preds) return y / p - (1 - y) / (1 - p) gbm = GradientBoostingMachine(n_trees=10, learning_rate=0.5, max_depth=1), y, BinaryCrossEntropyLoss()) pred = expit(gbm.predict(x))
# scikit-learn GBM sk_gbm = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, learning_rate=0.5, max_depth=1, loss='log_loss'), y) sk_pred = sk_gbm.predict_proba(x)[:, 1]
print_model_loss_scores(BinaryCrossEntropyLoss(), y, pred, sk_pred)
From Scratch Loss = 0.6379 Scikit-Learn Loss = 0.6403
Wrapping Up
Woohoo! We did it! We finally made it through Friedman’s paper in its entirety, and we implemented the generic gradient boosting algorithm which works with any differentiable loss function. If you made it this far, great job, gold star! By now you hopefully have a pretty solid grasp on gradient boosting, which is good, because soon we’re going to dive into the modern Newton descent gradient boosting frameworks like XGBoost. Onward!
Friedman’s 2001 paper: Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine
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