Articles by Python - datawookie

Bypassing Cloudflare with Cloudscraper

July 20, 2024 | Python - datawookie

Cloudflare is a service that aims improve the performance and security of websites. It operates as a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure faster load times and consequently better user experience. However, it also protects against online threats by filtering “malicious” traffic. Web scraping requests are often deemed to be ...
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Desert Island Docker: Python Edition

May 14, 2024 | Python - datawookie

Over the years that I’ve been dabbling in public speaking I’ve generally developed a talk, presented it once and then moved on. However, I’ve noticed other speakers who give the same (or similar) talk at different events, where the talk evolves and improves over time. [...Read more...]

Logging like a Lumberjack

April 18, 2024 | Python - datawookie

Sprinkling status messages across you code using print() statements can be a good temporary fix for tracking down issues in your code. But it can get messy and there’s no way for you to selectively disable them. Sure you can redirect output to a file or /dev/null but ... [...Read more...]

Python Security Audit

January 23, 2024 | Python - datawookie

Is my code secure? This is something that we should all be thinking (if not worrying) about. A thorough security audit would be the ideal, but what if you don’t have the skills or resources for that? Well, there are some tools that will at least get you part ... [...Read more...]
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