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In #182, I presented a benchmark based on 30,000 time series, comparing the sequential split conformal method to the state of the art in Conformal prediction for Forecast.
In this post, I’ll present a benchmark based on 1311 time series from the Tourism competition, comparing the sequential split conformal method to the state of the art. Theta method from the forecast
package is used as the base model, along with my R package ahead
for conformalizing the base model. 2 target coverage levels are considered: 80% and 95%. The benchmarking errors are measured by:
- Achieved test set coverage rate (percentage of future values that are within the prediction intervals) for 80% and 95% prediction intervals.
- Test set Winkler score (see https://www.otexts.com/fpp3/distaccuracy.html#winkler-score for more details).
0 – Required packages
utils::install.packages(c('foreach', 'forecast', 'fpp', 'fpp2', 'remotes', 'Tcomp'), repos="https://cran.r-project.org") remotes::install_github("Techtonique/ahead") remotes::install_github("thierrymoudiki/simulatetimeseries") remotes::install_github("herbps10/AdaptiveConformal", force=TRUE) remotes::install_github("thierrymoudiki/misc")
suppressWarnings(library(datasets)) suppressWarnings(library(forecast)) suppressWarnings(library(foreach)) suppressWarnings(library(fpp2)) suppressWarnings(library(ahead)) suppressWarnings(library(AdaptiveConformal)) suppressWarnings(library(misc)) suppressWarnings(library(Tcomp))
1 – Useful functions
coverage_score <- function(obj, actual) { if (is.null(obj$lower)) { return(mean((obj$intervals[, 1] <= actual)*(actual <= obj$intervals[, 2]))*100) } return(mean((obj$lower <= actual)*(actual <= obj$upper))*100) } winkler_score <- function(obj, actual, level = 95) { alpha <- 1 - level / 100 lt <- try(obj$lower, silent = TRUE) ut <- try(obj$upper, silent = TRUE) actual <- as.numeric(actual) if (is.null(lt) || is.null(ut)) { lt <- as.numeric(obj$intervals[, 1]) ut <- as.numeric(obj$intervals[, 2]) } n_points <- length(actual) stopifnot((n_points == length(lt)) && (n_points == length(ut))) diff_lt <- lt - actual diff_bounds <- ut - lt diff_ut <- actual - ut score <- diff_bounds score <- score + (2 / alpha) * (pmax(diff_lt, 0) + pmax(diff_ut, 0)) return(mean(score)) } get_error <- function(obj, actual, level = 95) { actual <- as.numeric(actual) mean_prediction <- as.numeric(obj$mean) me <- mean(mean_prediction - actual) rmse <- sqrt(mean((mean_prediction - actual)**2)) mae <- mean(abs(mean_prediction - actual)) mpe <- mean(mean_prediction/actual-1) mape <- mean(abs(mean_prediction/actual-1)) coverage <- as.numeric(coverage_score(obj, actual)) winkler <- winkler_score(obj, actual, level = level) res <- c(me, rmse, mae, mpe, mape, coverage, winkler) names(res) <- c("me", "rmse", "mae", "mpe", "mape", "coverage", "winkler") return(res) }
2 – Benchmarking loop
ahead_methods <- c("block-bootstrap", "surrogate", "kde", "bootstrap") aci_methods <- c('ACI', 'SCP', 'AgACI', 'DtACI', 'SF-OGD', 'SAOCP') i <- 3 level <- 95 nsim <- 250 ahead_method <- ahead_methods[1] aci_method <- aci_methods[1] # base model obj <- forecast::thetaf(y=Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$x, h=Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$h, level=level) print(get_error(obj, Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$xx)) # conformalized ahead obj_ahead <- ahead::conformalize(FUN=forecast::thetaf, y=Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$x, h=Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$h, level=level, nsim = nsim, method=ahead_method) print(get_error(obj_ahead, Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$xx)) # AdaptiveConformal (obj_aci <- AdaptiveConformal::aci(Y = as.vector(Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$xx), predictions = as.vector(obj$mean), method = "ACI", alpha = level/100)) obj_aci$mean <- as.vector(obj$mean) print(get_error(obj_aci, Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$xx)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ahead_methods <- c("block-bootstrap", "surrogate", "kde", "bootstrap") aci_methods <- c('ACI', 'SCP', 'AgACI', 'DtACI', 'SF-OGD', 'SAOCP') n_series <- length(tourism) for (level in c(80, 95)) { pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0, max=n_series, style = 3) benchmark <- foreach::foreach(i=1:n_series, .combine = rbind)%do% { results <- matrix(NA, nrow= 1 + length(ahead_methods) + length(aci_methods), ncol=9) colnames(results) <- c("series", "method", "me", "rmse", "mae", "mpe", "mape", "coverage", "winkler") results_index <- 1 # base model obj <- forecast::thetaf(y=Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$x, h=Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$h, level=level) results[results_index, ] <- c(i, "none", get_error(obj, Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$xx)) results_index <- results_index + 1 # conformalized ahead for (j in 1:length(ahead_methods)) { obj_ahead <- try(ahead::conformalize(FUN=forecast::thetaf, y=Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$x, h=Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$h, level=level, nsim = nsim, method=ahead_methods[j]), silent = TRUE) if (inherits(obj_ahead, "try-error")) { results[results_index, ] <- c(i, paste0("conformal-", ahead_methods[j]), rep(NA, 7)) } else { results[results_index, ] <- c(i, paste0("conformal-", ahead_methods[j]), get_error(obj_ahead, Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$xx)) } results_index <- results_index + 1 } # AdaptiveConformal for (j in 1:length(aci_methods)) { obj_aci <- try(AdaptiveConformal::aci(Y = as.vector(Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$xx), predictions = as.vector(obj$mean), method = aci_methods[j], alpha = level/100), silent = TRUE) if (inherits(obj_ahead, "try-error")) { results[results_index, ] <- c(i, paste0("conformal-", aci_methods[j]), rep(NA, 7)) } else { obj_aci$mean <- as.vector(obj$mean) results[results_index, ] <- c(i, paste0("conformal-", aci_methods[j]), get_error(obj_aci, Tcomp::tourism[[i]]$xx)) } results_index <- results_index + 1 } utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) results } close(pb) benchmark <- cbind.data.frame(benchmark[, c(1, 2)], apply(benchmark[, -c(1, 2)], c(1, 2), as.numeric)) benchmark$method <- sapply(1:length(benchmark$method), function(i) gsub(pattern = "conformal-", replacement = "", x=benchmark$method[i])) saveRDS(benchmark, paste0("2025-01-20-tourism-benchmark", level, ".rds")) }
3 – Plot Results
Coverage rates and Winkler scores for the 80% and 95% prediction intervals are presented, along with boxplots of the log-error rates (the lower the better).
tourism_benchmark80 <- readRDS("2025-01-20-tourism-benchmark80.rds") tourism_benchmark95 <- readRDS("2025-01-20-tourism-benchmark95.rds") benchmark_medians80 <- cbind.data.frame(tapply(tourism_benchmark80$coverage, tourism_benchmark80$method, median), tapply(tourism_benchmark80$winkler, tourism_benchmark80$method, median)) colnames(benchmark_medians80) <- c("coverage", "winkler_score") misc::sort_df(benchmark_medians80, by="winkler_score") benchmark_medians95 <- cbind.data.frame(tapply(tourism_benchmark95$coverage, tourism_benchmark95$method, median), tapply(tourism_benchmark95$winkler, tourism_benchmark95$method, median)) colnames(benchmark_medians95) <- c("coverage", "winkler_score") misc::sort_df(benchmark_medians95, by="winkler_score") par(mfrow=c(2, 1)) boxplot(log(100-coverage) ~ method, data = tourism_benchmark80, main="log-error rates") boxplot(log(100-coverage) ~ method, data = tourism_benchmark95, main="log-error rates")
coverage winkler_score surrogate 83.33333 9339.212 block-bootstrap 83.33333 9372.207 kde 87.50000 9419.847 bootstrap 79.16667 10110.819 none 75.00000 11582.445 AgACI 62.50000 17010.164 DtACI 62.50000 17031.145 ACI 62.50000 17165.020 SCP 50.00000 18008.067 SAOCP 0.00000 47472.648 SF-OGD 0.00000 47535.205 coverage winkler_score surrogate 95.83333 9453.619 block-bootstrap 95.83333 9625.191 kde 100.00000 9705.674 none 87.50000 9845.460 bootstrap 91.66667 10042.757 AgACI 62.50000 16564.417 ACI 62.50000 16649.422 DtACI 62.50000 16649.422 SCP 62.50000 16649.422 SAOCP 0.00000 47472.648 SF-OGD 0.00000 47535.205
So, based on these extensive experiments against the state of the art (and assuming the implementations of the state of the art methods are correct, which I’m sure they are, see https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202407-susmann-adaptive-conformal/, and assuming I’m using them well), how cool is this contribution to the science of forecasting?
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