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I’ve always wanted to have a minimal unified interface to XGBoost
, CatBoost
, LightGBM
and sklearn's
, without worrying about the different parameters names aliases. So, I had a lot of fun creating unifiedbooster
(which is not part of Techtonique, but is a personal swiss knife tool, under the MIT License).
In unifiedbooster
, there are 5 main common parameters for each algorithm:
: maximum number of trees that can be builtlearning_rate
: shrinkage rate; used for reducing the gradient stepmax_depth
: maximum tree depthrowsample
: subsample ratio of the training instancescolsample
: percentage of features to use at each node split
In many situations, these are enough for obtaining robust “baselines” (and the whole documentation can be found here). Additional parameters can be provided thanks to the **kwargs
(even though that’s not the main philosophy of the tool).
I present a Python version and an R version.
Python version
!pip install unifiedbooster
There are many ways to calibrate the boosters, which all rely on GPopt. I’ll present only one today (the other ones in a few weeks): Bayesian optimization.
import unifiedbooster as ub from sklearn.datasets import load_iris, load_breast_cancer, load_wine from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNetCV from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score from time import time dataset = load_breast_cancer() X, y = dataset.data, dataset.target # data set X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42 ) # split data into training set and test set # Find 'good' hyperparameters for LightGBM # Obtain 'best' model's performance on test set res = ub.cross_val_optim(X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, model_type="lightgbm", # or 'lightgbm', 'gradientboosting', 'catboost' type_fit="classification", scoring="accuracy", n_estimators=250, cv=5, # numbers of folds in cross-validation verbose=1, seed=123) print(res)
Creating initial design... ...Done. Optimization loop... 190/190 [██████████████████████████████] - 45s 237ms/step result(best_params={'learning_rate': 0.9611431739764045, 'max_depth': 1, 'rowsample': 0.597564697265625, 'colsample': 0.508392333984375, 'model_type': 'lightgbm', 'n_estimators': 250}, best_score=-0.9780219780219781, test_accuracy=0.9736842105263158)
How do we verify what we’ve just did?
# Initialize the unified clf clf = ub.GBDTClassifier(**res.best_params) # Fit the model clf.fit(X_train, y_train) # Predict on the test set y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) # Evaluate model's accuracy on test set print(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
Classification report
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
precision recall f1-score support 0 0.98 0.95 0.96 43 1 0.97 0.99 0.98 71 accuracy 0.97 114 macro avg 0.97 0.97 0.97 114 weighted avg 0.97 0.97 0.97 114
Confusion matrix
import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred) sns.heatmap(conf_matrix, annot=True, fmt='g', xticklabels=clf.classes_, yticklabels=clf.classes_, ) plt.ylabel('Prediction',fontsize=13) plt.xlabel('Actual',fontsize=13) plt.title('Confusion Matrix',fontsize=17) plt.show()
R version
In the same environment as the Python environment:
utils::install.packages("reticulate") library("reticulate") unifiedbooster <- import("unifiedbooster")
Get data:
utils::install.packages("palmerpenguins") library("palmerpenguins") penguins_ <- as.data.frame(palmerpenguins::penguins) # replacing NA's by the median replacement <- median(palmerpenguins::penguins$bill_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE) penguins_$bill_length_mm[is.na(palmerpenguins::penguins$bill_length_mm)] <- replacement replacement <- median(palmerpenguins::penguins$bill_depth_mm, na.rm = TRUE) penguins_$bill_depth_mm[is.na(palmerpenguins::penguins$bill_depth_mm)] <- replacement replacement <- median(palmerpenguins::penguins$flipper_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE) penguins_$flipper_length_mm[is.na(palmerpenguins::penguins$flipper_length_mm)] <- replacement replacement <- median(palmerpenguins::penguins$body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE) penguins_$body_mass_g[is.na(palmerpenguins::penguins$body_mass_g)] <- replacement # replacing NA's by the most frequent occurence penguins_$sex[is.na(palmerpenguins::penguins$sex)] <- "male" # most frequent # one-hot encoding penguins_mat <- model.matrix(species ~., data=penguins_)[,-1] penguins_mat <- cbind(penguins$species, penguins_mat) penguins_mat <- as.data.frame(penguins_mat) colnames(penguins_mat)[1] <- "species" y <- as.integer(penguins_mat$species) - 1L X <- as.matrix(penguins_mat[,2:ncol(penguins_mat)]) n <- nrow(X) p <- ncol(X) set.seed(123) index_train <- sample(1:n, size=floor(0.8*n)) X_train <- X[index_train, c("islandDream", "islandTorgersen", "flipper_length_mm")] y_train <- y[index_train] X_test <- X[-index_train, c("islandDream", "islandTorgersen", "flipper_length_mm") ] y_test <- y[-index_train]
Find hyperparameters:
res <- unifiedbooster$cross_val_optim(X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, model_type="xgboost", type_fit="classification", scoring="accuracy", n_estimators=100L, cv=5L, # numbers of folds in cross-validation verbose=1L, seed=123L) print(res)
# Initialize the unified clf clf = do.call(unifiedbooster$GBDTClassifier, res$best_params) # Fit the model clf$fit(X_train, y_train) # Predict on the test set y_pred = clf$predict(X_test) # Evaluate model's accuracy on test set print(mean(y_test == y_pred))
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