
Creating doodles with HED detection and ControlNet

This article was first published on Python – Hutsons-hacks , and kindly contributed to python-bloggers. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I previously did a blog post on the power of ControlNet and the various options you have at play when working with controlnet models.

To reference the previous introduction to what are controlnets, please refer to my previous post on this:

What is HED detection?

Holistically-nested edge detection (HED) is a deep learning model that uses fully convolutional neural networks and deeply-supervised nets to do image-to-image prediction. HED develops rich hierarchical representations automatically (directed by deep supervision on side replies) that are critical for resolving ambiguity in edge and object boundary detection.

The resultant output looks similar to this:

Credits: PyImageSearch

This improves on Canny edge detection by being able to pick up many more features in the back and foreground of the image. For full details of how to fine tune one of these models, check out Adrian Rosebrock’s PyImageSearch blog:

In this tutorial we will look at how to load pre-trained HED detectors from the HuggingFace library, and use this pretrained model, alongside the Stable Diffusion model, and a controlnet for this specific task. Let’s get going and take the tutorial through building a class to perform this modelling, to loading in an image and then fine tuning based on our image and prompt pair.

Building our class

We will follow steps to build our class which will incorporate the use of HED detection with our control nets to produce a way to alter an image, based on the image’s boundary (edge) with a generation from a stable diffusion pretrained model.

Importing the required packages

Firstly, as with all projects, we need to import the relevant packages we are going to need for this project:

I coded this in Python 3.9 and works with the most recent versions of diffusers and the transformers package.

Creating our class __init()__ block

The first step of our class building will be to define our init, or constructor, block of code. This will initialise every time a new instance of the class is created. We will step through each line so you know what the model is doing:

Let’s break this down:

This completes the initialisation of the class phase, the next step is to build our class method. This will be responsible for actually producing a prompt/image pair for generating new wacky images from my profile photo.

Building the generate_scribble class method

This step has less steps than our init block, as we have already done most of the heavy lifting, upon initialisation. Let’s dive into it:

These steps:

That’s it, we can now have some fun with our newly defined class. That will be coming up next. The full definition of our class it contained here:

Using our class for image generation

The first step to this process will be loading in our source image. We will use this image as source, but you could use absolutely anything:

Our source image

This is the only professional looking photo of me from my LinkedIn profile (give me a follow).

Creating an instance of our ScribbleControlNet class

Next, we will create an instance of our class and start to create a doodle with it:

When we instantiate this class you will see the background pretrained models download (this will happen the first time you run this, and never again, unless you delete them from the HuggingFace temp directory).

Creating a prompt

Now, we need to create a variable called prompt:

This will be the prompt we use to try and turn my profile photo into a picture of a monster.

Using our generate_scribble method

Now we have our class instance created, we can run our generate_scribble method and pass in the relevant inputs in the parameters:

Once you have run this, you will then have an image saved into the relevant images directory with the name of your prompt as the file name, and will be postfixed with a PNG image format.

Let’s see how prompt=monster did:

Wow, not bad, I am a little scared, but if you notice it has retrained the lines of my suit and collar. Let’s delve into a few more examples, for fun.

Having fun with the prompts

I tested prompt=boba fett and this is what I got:

Let’s try prompt=yoda:

Let’s see what the prompt does if I do something like prompt=old man:

Or, take me back in time and see what I would look like as a model:

How about some famous scientists?

Prompt = Albert Einstein
Prompt = Isaac Netwon

Finally, what if I were a super hero:

Prompt = Marvel

I could be here all day doing this, so I will leave you to experiment.

Closing thoughts

Image generation has come along way since the days of the first Generative Adversarial Networks (Goodfellow et al.) and it is still being developed at ground breaking deep. It truly is the era for generative AI in image and text (OpenAI GPT3.5 and 4) and what a time to be alive, as someone who loves creating models of all shapes and sizes.

The code for this tutorial can be found here:

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