
Free resource guide: A data presentation in six acts

This article was first published on Stringfest Analytics , and kindly contributed to python-bloggers. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Data analytics is iterative like the sky is blue… what does that actually mean?

I get the sense from many new analysts that they’ve spent a decent amount of time looking through the data and trying different things, and they get that things aren’t linear, but they still want some endpoint to work toward to gain traction.

In particular, they’re hoping to product some audience-ready asset like a notebook or slide deck to share with employers, but don’t know how to construct it.

To help there, I’ve put together the following resource guide, explaining a “data presentation in six acts.” This formula could work in either written or verbal communication and is most suitable to descriptive and diagnostic analytics.

The six steps, respectively, are:

  1. Introduction
  2. Hypotheses
  3. Data
  4. Methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion/Recommendations
  7. Bonus! Appendix

Some takeaways from the guide:

Ready to dominate your next presentation in six acts? I hope this guide helps you “begin with the end in mind” on your analysis and gets you unstuck from data exploration ad infinitum.

Download the resource guide here

If you are already subscribed to the newsletter… you can find this download in the white-papers subfolder of the resource library.

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Thanks for reading and be sure to peruse the other great content on the blog and in my resource library.

If you want to learn more about data exploration, confirmation and communication, check out my book Advancing into Analytics: From Excel to Python and R. More information about the book including how to read for free is available here.

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