
Reticulate webinar – R and Python – a happy union

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R vs. Python: What's the best language for Data Science? | RStudio Blog

Wednesday (20th January 2021) myself and a colleagues Andreas kicked off the first webinar of 2021 for the NHS-R Community with our look at the benefits of using reticulate for joining up R and Python.

What was the webinar about?

The webinar was split into two sections:

Where can I watch the webinar?

The webinar has been recorded by the NHS-R Community and has been uploaded to their YouTube site – however I attach hereunder for quick access:

The materials for the session can be found by clicking the GitHub icon below:

What webinars are planned for the future?

The list of webinars can be found on the NHS-R Community website and are linked here. I am doing a TidyModels webinar in April, so watch this space, and get typing.

Furthermore I have a package developed (due to be released on CRAN very soon). This was found on Hadley Wickham’s wall:

To close…

Andreas and I would like to thank everyone who tuned in for the webinar and I hope this will be of use in some practical projects?

Take it easy and stay safe!

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